Afisa accounting firm is based in Gothenburg and it has been operating since 2020. Our vision is to be the obvious choice for individuals when they need accounting and financial services. The vision is based on a deep desire to bring clarity and transparency to a complicated and often difficult to understand market. At Afisa company, we have a strong desire to help our customers by offering high-quality financial services. We help you with everything from starting your business to the annual report. We make sure that everything works exactly as it should, or better than you imagined. So you can focus on all your will and on reaching even further.
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Afisa redovisningsföretag är baserat i Göteborg och det har varit verksam sedan 2020 . Vår vision är att vara det självklara valet för individer när de behöver redovisning och finansiella tjänster.
Afisa accounting firm is based in Gothenburg and it has been operating since 2020. Our vision is to be the obvious choice for individuals when they need accounting and financial services. The vision is based on a deep desire to bring clarity and transparency to a complicated and often difficult to understand market. At Afisa company, we have a strong desire to help our customers by offering high-quality financial services. We help you with everything from starting your business to the annual report. We make sure that everything works exactly as it should, or better than you imagined. So you can focus on all your will and on reaching even further.
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